Cedar Landscaping is a full service contractor with experience and knowledgeable staff, who stand behind their work with a GUARANTEE.
New Drainage:
New Construction and development is by far the most affordable time to install permitted drainage systems. Cedar Landscaping. uses quality materials for both perimeter and secondary drainage systems, along with damp-proofing foundations and installing protective membranes on the out-side foundation walls.
All work meets or exceeds building code standards and approved materials. Materials and Installation are backed up by a written Guarantee.
Existing Drainage:
Every older dwelling (20 years or older) used one of two types of materials for drainage. In that time either clay tiles (ceramic) or masonry tiles (concrete) were utilized for drainage. Unfortunately, many of these have out-lived their life expectancy.
It is time to re-install your drainage when:
you look inside the foundation and visibly see powdery lines (calcification) this is a sign that the basement has been leaking. Your inside foundation walls are not all smooth and have rough gravely areas (honey-combing) then water through hydrostatic pressure can enter through these points.an interior sump is connected (tied-in) to either the City Sanitary line (in the event of a back up or stress) which will dump raw sewage in the basement or an outside rock pit was used to disperse the water, which leads to swampy/muddy backyards. *Look for a square hole covered by planks in the basement.There’s a lot more work and expense at Re/Re an existing property. (Re-landscaping, sidewalks, etc…) but often it is the only way to correctly fix the problem of wet basements. Insurance will only cover so many claims (meaning a higher deductible for each claim) and after so many claims, insurance companies will refuse coverage. When a basement leaks it affords the opportunity for molds & fungus spores to grow, which is bad for your health. There is honestly no quick or cheap fixes. Fixing it right the first time is the way to go.
Sanitary (sewer) Line:
Every older home (20 years or older) used two types of materials to direct the sewage from the home to the connection. The earlier choice was called a duct tile line (made of cast). Unfortunately, this material becomes very brittle after time and is susceptible to horrible build up inside the pipe, restricting the flow. The other choice of sewer line was a ceramic/asbestos pipe, again after life expectancy it becomes brittle. This type of lines were placed near trees or bushes that have roots growing through the pipe and again are susceptible for extreme build up inside, restricting the flow.
Water Lines:
Problems with broken or restricted water pressure are contributed by the use of copper or galvanized materials being utilized to supply the service. Copper will calcify (grow hard minerals) inside the line as well. The same can be said for the use of galvanized pipe. There is always movement in a water line (friction) and when it is against rocks & roots the friction will eventually break the service.
Call 902-830-0284